Photo by: Jeff Miller/University7 of Wisconsin-Madison

MidWest Plant Cell Dynamics XI

Tuesday June 4th- Friday June 7th 2024

Madison WI



  • 4:30 to 6:00 pm Registration Open (Biochemical Sciences Building, Atrium, 440 Henry Mall)
  • Put up posters in Biochemistry Atrium
  • 6:00 pm Opening Remarks (Biochemistry Building, Rm 1125, 420 Henry Mall) by Sebastian Bednarek
  • 6:15 - 7:00 pm Keynote talk: Michelle Facette (University of Massachusetts Amherst) - all talks are in the Biochemitry Building, 420 Henry Mall
  • 7:00 to 9:00 pm Poster Set up. Reception with food and beverages (Biochemical Sciences Building, Atrium)


  • 7:30 to 8:30 am Light breakfast
  • 8:30 - 9:15 am Keynote talk: Yangnan Gu (U.C. Berkeley), Proximity labeling-driven understanding of plant nuclear membrane function.
  • 9:20 - 10:10 am, Session #1: Nuclear envelope and cell differentiation. Chair: Antje Heese
  • 10:10 to 10:40 am Coffee break
  • 10:40 - 12:20, Session #2: Organelles. Chair: Cecilia Rodriguez Furlan
  • Picture; meet at the front stairs of the Biochemistry building facing Henry Mall.
  • 12:00 to 1:30 pm lunch on your own,
  • 1:30 to 3:00 pm, Workshop: Opportunities and challenges using TURBO ID, by Yangnan Gu
  • 3:00 to 3:45 Coffee break
  • 5:05 to 7:30 pm Poster Social, Food and beverages. (6:00 to 7:00 pm even numbered posters present)


  • 7:30 -to8:30 am Light breakfast
    • 8:30 - 10:10 am, Session #4: Endomembrane trafficking II. Chair: Sabrina Chin
    • 8:30 – 8:55 am Rodriguez Furlan Lab
    • 8:55 – 9:20 am Otegui Lab
    • 9:20 – 10:10 am Richard Cyr, NSF Program Director, Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, Cellular Dynamics and Function cluster.
  • 10:10 to 10:50 am coffee break.
  • 2:00 to 3:30 pm Workshop: Career Opportunities for Plant Cell Biologists in Industry, led by Maren Arling (Corteva) and Athen Kimberlin (Aldevron)
  • Poster Social 5:00 to 7:30 pm (6:00 to 7:00 pm odd numbered posters present)


  • 7:30 to 8:30 am Light breakfast
  • 8:30 - 10:10 am, Session #7: Cytoskeleton, cell wall, and morphogenesis III. Chair: Paul Verslues
  • 9:50 to 10:30 am coffee break.
  • 10:30 - 12:00 pm, Session #8: Cell signaling and responses I. Chair: Andrei Smertenko
  • 12:15 to 2:30 pm Lunch Break
  • 2:30 to 4:10 pm, Session #9: Cell signaling and responses II. Chair: Shih-Heng Su
    • 2:30 - 2:55 pm Amasino Lab
    • 2:55 – 3:20 pm He Lab
    • 3:20 – 3:35 pm Whitcomb Lab
    • 3:35 - 4:05 pm Townhall: evaluations and goals for future meetings.
  • 4:05pm Closing Remarks by Dan Szymanski
  • 5:00 to 8:30 pm Banquet (Pyle Center,702 Langdon St.); announcement of T-shirt contest winner.