
Important information for those attending the meeting updated June 14th

Meeting Clock:


Registrants - see who is planning to attend

Abstract submission please submit by June 10th

Registration now open (deadline June 5th for consideration for lab talk slot)

Accomodation reservations for rooms in residence halls closed

Apply for NSF travel fellowship - closed

Contact 2012 CoChairs

See who is sponsoring the meeting

The MidWest Plant Cell Dynamics Meeting
will be held
June 20th-22nd 2012

Madison, WI

Important information for registrants

Frequently asked questions

What size should my poster be and where and when do I put it up?

  • The poster boards can hold a poster of up to 36 inches x 48 inches
  • Posters will be set up in the Atrium of the Biochemistry Department
  • The poster boards will be available from June 21st

What is my poster number?

  • Please use the page number that your poster appears on in the abstract book (there should be space for some late posters not incorporated into the book)

Where and when do I register?

  • The registration desk will be manned between 4 and 5 pm June 20th
  • The registration desk will be set up in the lobby of Birge Hall (Botany Department)
  • The meeting will be held in the Biochemistry Department June 21st and 22nd and so registration material will be available there after the 20th

Where will the conference dinner be held?

  • The dinner is scheduled for 6:30-8:30pm June 20th in Tripp Commons at the Memorial Union

Where will the workshops be held?

  • There are two workshops on Thursday June 21st.
  • Workshop I will be in room 1220 Biochemical Sciences Building, the same building as the main talks are being given
  • Workshop II will be in room 204 animal sciences
  • Click here for a map of campus showing these buildings
  • Click here for a picture of the Biochemistry buildings (There are several biochemistry buildings near each other and even UW-Madison employees get confused).

Where is the Memorial Union, Tripp Commons, Chadbourne Hall, the Biochemistry Department, the Botany Department?

Where is the first keynote talk on June 20th?

  • Dan Szymanski's opening remarks and Anja Geitmann's keynote talk will be held in room 145 Birge Hall (Botany Department)

Where are the talks on Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd?

  • The meeting will be held in room 1125 in the Biochemistry Department June 21st and 22nd, starting with a keynote talk from Natasha Raikhel at 8:30 am, June 21st

I am giving a talk do I need to bring my own laptop?

  • The lecture theater has a projector that works with Macs and PCs. You can bring your own laptop or load your presentation onto the computer that will be provided

Where is Chadbourne Hall?

  • If you signed up for accommodation in Chadbourne Hall, click here for a map of campus showing Chadbourne. Chadbourne is approximately 5 minutes walk from the Memorial Union, 5 minutes from the Botany Department, 15 minutes walk to the Biochemistry Department and 5 minutes from the beginning of State Street (good restaurants and more...)

Is there an abstract book?

  • Abstracts will be circulated as a PDF file emailed to all registered participants a few days prior to the meeting. If your abstract was received by June 14th, it will be included in the file, after that you may not get included

The organizers gratefully acknowledge the support of:

padder NSF padder
padder mager padder